November 18, 2015

bread on the table

feeding the big family and who ever else is sitting around our dinner table, got me back to baking bread. it is cooler now and kneading the bread dough is a good workout to make me feel warm. not just physically warm but also emotionally turning toward my people. the folks sitting down with me and my family to eat. it is a wonderful thing to be able to feed people and feed them well. simple and delicious it mostly is. soups have popped up on our table lately and lots of different kinds of breads.
for one reason or the other, i'm not able to bake the same kind of bread twice. it is what it is, mostly loved, sometimes a pinch too much salt, other times slightly blackened on one end. but it has been eaten every single time i served the loafs and that is what counts.

i also fetch bread from the äss-bar in the city, when ever i'm in town. there is still so much good in a one day old loaf of bread. and of course that's adding a big variety to our dinner tables, dinkel, rye, oat, sour-dough and many more....

sometimes i try out new recipes, the book from peter reihhart artisan breads every day is a good source too and of course my mom and my sister in law have been baking bread for a long while too.

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